Friday 28 January 2011

Davids Seville Marmalade

Before David went off to Spain on his walking holiday he made up his first batch of Seville Orange Marmalade!

It seemed very time consuming - cutting the rinds up seemed to take David a whole evening - however I am assured it was worth it! Our ever keen taster - Matt the Potter - has ranted and raved about its lovliness - and I can agree that it smells beautiful! (unfortunately I am not a marmalade fan)

All jarred up and waiting for me to make some labels!

Monday 17 January 2011

New Year - Back to Work!

I have neglected the blog over christmas. And have a couple of updates to do - particularly with a few piccies from the christmas fayre! It was a great weekend - a success for all :) and enjoyed by all - I hope! I shall grab my camera and get uploading within the next week - hopefully Thursday when I in the tearoom - for my first shift since christmas!
I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and New Year :)