Saturday 19 February 2011

Baking Course

The time has come for the 4th Garden Kitchen baking course. We have set the date for the 9th of April!

The course will be in the tearoom at Rowallane Garden and runs from 10.30am till approximately 2.30pm - but the last few have been known to run on a little! The cost of the course is £35 and this includes coffee/tea and bun on arrival, a light lunch of beautiful homemade soup and hopefully some warm bread you have helped to bake!

It consists of some chat and demonstration and some hands on work - finishing with everyone making their own loaf of bread, which is baked for you to take home to enjoy!

It's a nice intimate affair with a maximum of ten people, allowing for lots of interaction and question time!

For more information, or to book at place contact me via email - leave a comment here, or on our facebook page!

Springs here :D for today at least!

The sun is shining and the garden is starting to show some colour - brightening the ground with snowdrops and crocus' and promising many daffodils!
Nothing helps to pull me out of the dull winter slog better, than weather nice enough to stand outside the tearoom and soak up some much needed vitamin d, whilst chatting to our loyal winter customers who are rewarded by enjoying the still majoritarily peaceful garden in the first days of sunshine.

I have an exciting week this week too - with a meeting in Belfast to confirm details of our new project - due to kick off at Easter! Winter has been long, but fingers crossed the Spring/Summer is longer :D